AINA OSET | Visual Artist & Designer


INTRW CEREMONY 15 l 6 l 2020

We are a team of Artists that come together to create a transformative experience through the power of Music and Light, with the intention to bring peace into people's hearts.

Alex Serra & @totidub (Music) @nalua.lab (Visuals) @kampaidanceco (Dance) @anahi_monsalvo (Art Decoration) @rv_films (Audiovisual Production) • Kampai is @manumanu_eh @kenyasauer @pauarnal @byiby @antonioleon.malaguita @atram115 @guillemripoll

This Art project (In the Real World Online Music Ceremony) will be funded entirely with your donations. There is a pool available for you to contribute, we invite you to support and spread the word.

Invest in Art, invest in the expansion of the Mind 👁🌱👁 Thank you Thank you Thank you 😊💜

Aina OsetComment